Electric Vehicle Parking Program
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Electric Vehicle Parking Program
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
The NIH has eight (8) Level 1 electric-vehicle charging stations in three (3) Multi-Level Parking (MLP) garages on the NIH Bethesda Campus. These spaces are first come, first serve. With the growing demand for this program, we ask that charging stations be used for emergency charging, (e.g., you cannot reach your next destination without charging) and not the main source of charging your vehicle due to the slow charging speed.
This program is made possible through the financial courtesy of the
NIH Federal Credit Union (NIHFCU). The NIH Community appreciates the NIHFCU for its commitment to sustainable commuting and improved air quality.
NIH Employees with electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) can park and charge those vehicles at one of the following locations:
- ACRF/Building 10 Parking Garage: P-2 Level (3 parking spaces) and P-3 Level (4 parking spaces)
- MLP-6: Lower Level (3 parking spaces)
- MLP-7: Lower Level (3 parking spaces)
The 13 EV spaces are marked with an ‘eco’ green color. Each station has instructions on how to use charging. Extra parking spaces were added to facilitate shared use of the station.
EV Charging Station Procedures
- EV spaces are for NIH Parking permit holders only.
- Parking spaces are reserved 24/7 for EV/PHEV vehicles only.
- EV/PHEV owners are required to provide their own charging cords and arrange the cords to avoid tripping hazards.
- EV/PHEV owners are encouraged to be respectful of others by unplugging their vehicles and relocating them after charging.
- If you observe a non-EV/PHEV parked in one of these spaces, you may report the violation to the NIH Police at 301-496-5685.
- Consider joining the Electric Vehicles ListServ. This listserv can facilitate collaboration with other users to share charging spaces.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Unauthorized Charging on NIH Facilities
EVs and PHEVs parked in any NIH parking facility must not be connected to an electrical outlet that is not authorized for EV charging. This illegal charging has caused and can continue to cause electrical fires in the garages. Vehicles that are observed plugged into an unauthorized outlet are subject to having their NIH parking privileges suspended. Furthermore, charging cords may be confiscated by the NIH Division of Police.
If you are unable to find a free charging station on the NIH premises, you can view charging stations in Montgomery County's public garages/lots around the NIH Bethesda Campus, visit ChargeHub or PlugShare these are great websites to find public charging stations.